Prehnite takes its name from Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn, who discovered it in 1774 and shortly thereafter began importing it from Africa to Holland. Given the wonderful grape green colour and the unique waxy glass-like lustre, it is unsurprising that he took notice!
Because of Prehnite's colour, and the natural clusters that it occurs in naturally, it is actually known as Grape Jade in China (putao yu). Much like Jade, Prehnite beads are rather soft- 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness- and is also therefore a favourite among gemstone artisans. One can find exquisite Prehnite carvings of miniatures, figurines and pendants. These often highlight the stone's sensational surface texture and visual feel, and make it even more desirable to wear than it is in its natural state. In whatever form it arrives, worn Prehnite jewellery beads promotes endurance, prophetic intuition, and clarity of meditation.
Prehnite is the first gemstone in world history to take its name from a person, and since then hundreds have followed suit. For a fairly thorough list, click here.
Click here to browse Prehnite at Stones and Findings
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